Fresh Batch #154: The True Precursor of the Julian Correction
Multi-symbolic Archetypes: Thoth, Isis, & Osiris
I’ve heard conversations about calendar corrections, specifically regarding the Julian or Gregorian calendars, but I’ve never heard anyone talk about the precursor to the Julian correction that was made circa 45 BC. My goal was to provide my audience with as much useful information as possible to learn the ancient universal system of priestcraft and leave the feast of nonsense behind, which many of us had to wade through in order to become proficient at these subjects. That’s why I wrote Spirit Whirled and The Real Universal Empire. My father Remus used to tell me, “Study history. It just repeats.” But I think Mark Twain’s quote is more accurate, “History doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes.”
It’s obvious that Egypt and Italy were culturally diffused, and I’ve made the case that it’s because the employment of Phoenician navigators by Egyptian kings was actually the employment of Etruscan navigators called Puni (Etruscan), or Poeni (Latin), the Purple Ones, on account of the Etruscans from Vetulonia being the first people to trim their robes with Tyrian Purple. Punic, or the Language of Purple, is Sicilian Phoenician, and it was the basis for languages in places like Malta, Carthage, Numidia, the Bay of Biscay, Armorica, and Britain. I’ve also demonstrated that some of these cultures still used purely Etruscan words.
Lockyer wrote (Dawn. Astr. pp. 280, 281.), “The decree of Tanis was the true precursor of the Julian correction of the calendar. In consequence of this correction we now add a day every four years to the end of February. The decree regulated the addition, by the Egyptians, of a day every four years by adding a day to the epacts, which were thus six every four years instead of being always five, as they had been before.
“In fact, it replaced the vague year by the sacred year long known to the priests.
“But if everything had gone on then as the priests of Tanis imagined, the Egyptian New Year’s Day, if determined by the heliacal rising of Sirius, would not always afterwards have been the 1st of Payni, although the solstice and Nile flood would have been due at Memphis about the 1st of Pachons; and this is, perhaps, one among the reasons why the decree was to a large extent ignored.
“Hence, for some years after the date of the decree of Tanis, there were at least three years in force—the new fixed year, the new vague year, reckoning from Pachons, and the old vague year, reckoning from Thoth.
“But after some years another attempt was made to get rid of all this confusion. The time was 23 BC, 216 years after the decree of Tanis, and the place was Alexandria. Hence the new fixed year introduced is termed the Alexandrine year.”
Now you have an opening for a new priesthood to emerge and set things right, which is what I suspect much of the mystery schools are: competing priesthoods made up of non-exclusive members. In A Godsacre of Winds of the Soul, I focused a whole chapter on the early Christian fathers, who were members of the various mystery schools from Alexandria. We still see this today in our governments, where people we think represent us in one capacity are members of multiple organizations and often times citizens to more than one nation. The overarching result is a power structure far beyond what can be demonstrated by the public.
Lockyer continued (Ib. pp. 281-283.), “This new attempt obviously implied that the first one had failed; and the fact that the vague year was continued in the interval is sufficiently demonstrated by the fact that the new year was 216/14 = 54 days en retard. In the Alexandrine year the 22nd of October is represented by the 29th of August, and the 19th of June by the 20th of April.
“It is noteworthy that in the Alexandrine year the heliacal rising of Sirius on the 23rd of July (Julian; my birthday) falls on the 29th of Epiphi, nearly the same date as that to which I first drew attention to the inscriptions of the date of Thothmes and Pepi. This, however, it is now clearly seen, is a pure accident, due to the break of continuity before the Tanis year, and the slip between that and the Alexandrine one. It is important to mention this, because it has been thought that somehow the ‘Alexandrine year’ was in use in Pepi’s time.
“It would seem that the Alexandrine revision was final, and that the year was truly fixed, and from that time to this it has remained so, and must in the future for ever remain so. It must never be forgotten that we owe this perfection to the Egyptian Festival Calendars.
“One of the chief uses of the Egyptian calendar that has come down to us was the arrangement and dating of the chief feasts throughout the year in the different temples.
“The fact that the two great complete feast-calendars of Edfû and Esne refer to the only fixed years evidenced by records—those of Tanis and Alexandria—one of which was established over 200 years after the other, is of inestimable value for the investigation of the calendar and chronology of ancient Egypt.
“In an excellent work of Brugsch, ‘Three Festival Calendars from the Temple of Apollinopolis Magna (Edfû) in Upper Egypt,’ we have two calendars which we can refer to fixed years, and can date with the greatest accuracy. In the case of one of these, that of Esne, this is universally recognised; as to the other, that of Apollinopolis Magna, we are indebted to the researches of Krall, who points out, however, that ‘it is only when the province of Egyptian mythology has been dealt with in all directions that we can undertake a successful explanation of the festival catalogues. Even externally they show the greatest eccentricities, which are not diminished, but increased, on a closer investigation.’
“The Summer Solstice is attached in the Edfû calendar to the 6th Pachons, according to Krall, while the beginning of the flood is noted on the 1st of that month. In the Esne calendar the 26th Payni is New Year’s Day. We read:—“26th Payni, New Year’s Day, Feast of the Revelation of Kahi in the Temple. To dress the crocodiles, as in the month of Menchir, day 8.
“Peculiar to the Esne calendar, according to Krall, is the mentioning of the ‘New Year’s Festival of the Ancestors’ on the 9th of Thoth; to the Edfû calendar, publication No. 1 of Brugsch, the festival ‘of the offering of the first of the harvested fruits, after the precept of King Amenemha I.,’ on the 1st Epiphi, and ‘the celebration of the feast of the Great Conflagration’ on the 9th of Menchir. In feast calendar No. 1, the reference to the peculiar Feast of Set is also remarkable; this was celebrated twice, first in the days of Thoth (? 9th), then, as it appears, in Pachons (10th). This feast is well known to have been first mentioned under the old Pharaoh Pepi Merinra.”
We’ll continue on the other side, but I do find it curious that Esne, spelled Esna by moderns, is essentially Essene, which means miracle-worker or healer, and was an Egyptian name for the Therapeutæ, meaning the same, a Jewish-Buddhist sect from Alexandria whose writings Eusebius admitted were the Christian gospels and epistles.
According to Wiki, Esna looks like this in other languages: (Arabic: إسنا IPA: [ˈʔesnæ], Ancient Egyptian: jwny.t or tꜣ-snt; Coptic: ⲥⲛⲏ or ⲉⲥⲛⲏ Snē from tꜣ-snt (the Coptic ⲥ is the Greek S, or sigma; the Coptic and Greek both use the same letter for E, which is eta, or ⲏ, often pronounced like a Latin I, and can be aspirated with the sound of H, as in Helios); Koinē Greek: Λατόπολις Latópolis or πόλις Λάτων (Pólis Látōn) or Λάττων (Lattōn); Latin: Lato) is a city of Egypt.
Lato, Latium, Latin, etc. share the same root. Scholars may be focusing on the wrong peninsula when it comes to the origins of certain traditions, as the very word Christian is a Greek root with a Latin termination, pretended to be coined by Greeks in a Greek city, a word that no Greek would ever create. Archbishop Richard Trench admitted this, “It is curious too that, although a Greek word and coined in a Greek city, the termination is Latin. Christianos is formed on the model of Romanus, Albanus, Pompeianus, and the like.”
If you read this and the penny doesn’t drop, then being able to detect forgery and fraud is a skillset you won’t be proficient in, or in other words, you don’t have the knowledge to be street smart regarding the historical record. It will be easy for perceived authorities to pull the wool over your eyes in these subjects. It’s not personal. You’re probably proficient in subjects that I’m not, accounting or physics for example, where it’s easy to pull the wool over my eyes. That’s why I don’t write about other subjects, and I certainly don’t go to someone who is proficient in areas of expertise, which I am not, and object to them. For those who are aware that this destroys the whole historical narrative of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and the other traditions connected to them, from Hinduism to Buddhism, and even the modern traditions like Odinism, but don’t know where to begin organizing this paradigm-shifting information, dive into the Spirit Whirled series and The Real Universal Empire. We have a brief window to speak about these subjects without being sentenced to death for heresy. Take advantage of it. That window looks like it’s closing, and it looks like much of the world’s population will voluntarily agree to its closing. If that occurs, then people like me will be faced with being brought back into the fold or being punished with torture and death. I knew before I put pen to paper that history doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes, and that there will be consequences for what I’ve done. The effects will be good if enough people catch on, but bad if not. This work was inimical to me, but it was the right thing to do if posterity is to have any chance at putting an end to the spiritual wickedness that controls our nations. Unfortunately, the real solution isn’t an easy one. The only solution will be to take responsibility for what you think and what you do in this world.
“Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it.”—George Bernard Shaw
Until then, nothing around you will change for your benefit, or your family’s benefit. There is work that needs doing, and only those willing to do it will profit—and become prophets.

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