Fresh Batch #160: Not A Vestige of Heathenism
What Secret Does the Great Pyramid's Masonry Reveal?
According to Penrose, cited by Lockyer (Dawn. Astr. p. 422.), “Thebes was called the City of the Dragon, and tradition records that Cadmus introduced both Phœnician and Egyptian worship.”
Which Thebes? The one in Greece or the one that is now called Luxor, but was formerly Egyptian Thebes, an admitted capital of the Phoenician empire when they possessed Asia (according to the Greek general Conon)? You know, that place where mummies were found wrapped in ancient Italian script that can’t be translated because it has no affinity from anything in the east, like the Indo-European system that Greek conforms to, yet somehow all of the alphabet systems are derived from until one gets to China, and it happens to correspond to Phoenician, which every alphabet system in the western world is claimed to be a child of.
Cadmus implies eastern. Not only that, it implies eastern in an eastern language, not in an Etruscan language that the word Phoenician is derived, which is Puni, meaning purple. It is also well-establish that Thebes gets its symbolism from the Bull, or Ox, but also signifies Ark in its name. Here we have Baal, the Lord, or sun, in its solar barque, coming from the east, incorporating both the observations of the rising and setting sun, as well as the declination of the summer and winter suns, to reckon time, or the Zodiac: the City of the Dragon. The mariners, favored by Nethuns, Neptune, Poseidon, etc., the summertime sun, represent springtime, or the east, which begets the summer half of the year, or daytime half of the day, while the Egyptians represent the winter half of the year, or nighttime half of the day. But all rise in the east and set in the west. The story is not to be taken as literal history, of the system coming from the east.
What portion of the sky has a dragon, an ark, messengers of wisdom and time, cups of sin and salvation, and mariner’s instruments? Does it correspond to a City of the Dragon? Recall the interchange between th, t, and d, and Thebah (ark) is Deva (God). Indeed, the City of the Dragon is the City of God, which is the sun, just like Mesembria (City of the Midday Sun, or Noon), and On (Heliopolis, City of Helios).
Penrose also links Ceres to Sirius (Ib.), “Leaving the solar temples, we find that the star which was observed at the great temple of Ceres must have been Sirius, not used, however, heliacally—although this temple is not extra-solstitial—but for its own refulgences at midnight. The date so determined is quite consistent with the probable time of the foundation of the Eleusinian Mysteries, and the time of the year when at its rising would have crossed the axis at midnight agrees exactly with that of the celebration of the Great Mysteries.
“It is reasonable to suppose that when, as in the case of Sirius at Eleusis, brilliant stars were observed at night, the effect was enhanced by the priests by means of polished surfaces.”
Ceres is Queen of the Grain. In my opinion, this is archetypal of the sun in Virgo, but also the Virgo when the sun enters winter, given that at midnight on December 25th, when the system was created, Virgo was the Lord of the Ascendant at midnight, hence the correlation of the son being born of a Virgin. Furthermore, the etymology of Eleusinian is Helios (Elios) and son (inis), signifying sons of the sun (Eliosinis), sons of God, priests of the sun, or priests of God. It’s no secret that Sirius corresponds to Osiris as well, the winter portion of the year, or the underworld.
It is quite possible that Osiris is the compilation of a Greek form of O’Sirius, which if the termination is removed, is O’Siri, which is philologically similar to O’Cere. I’ve delved into these subjects in the Spirit Whirled series, but suffice to say, they indicate archaic solar names being ascribed to stars once not in use anymore. But the reason the ancient use of this system is difficult to determine is because the letters were secret till fairly recent times in our history. The idolatry was not present because the system was secret. As the system becomes more widespread and common, it eventually disseminates to other cultures and they acquire the knowledge to compete, which is how the power shifts. Some suggest the Great Pyramid is not as ancient as the other portions of Egypt, but if it is an authentic ancient edifice, I suggest it may be much older than anything with writing on it because it had no hieroglyphics.
Charles Piazzi Smyth wrote (Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid, p. 3.), “With many of the smaller and later pyramids there is little doubt about their objects; for, built by the Egyptians as sepulchres for great Egyptian dead, such dead were buried in them, and with all the written particulars, pictorial accompaniments, and strange sepulchral adornments of that too graphic religion, which the fictile nation on the Nile ever delighted in. But as we approach, ascending the stream of time, in a chronological survey to “the Great Pyramid,” Egyptian emblems are gradually left behind; and in and throughout that mighty builded mass, which all history and all tradition, both ancient and modern, agree in representing as the first and earliest in point of date of the whole Jizeh group,—we find in all its finished parts not a vestige of heathenism, nor the smallest indulgence in anything approaching to idolatry, not even the most distant allusion to the sun or moon, or any of the starry host of heaven.
“We have specified finished parts, because in certain unfinished portions of the masonry discovered by Colonel Howard-Vyse in 1837, there are some rude markings for a temporary purpose.”
Those rude markings were inflicted on the pyramid by modern travelers, even though they attempted to write their names in Egyptian hieroglyphics. He continued (Ib. p. 4), “But with these simple exceptions we can most positively say, that both exterior and interior are indeed absolutely free from everything relating to idolatry in art or man’s device; and from all those hieratic emblems which have utterly overlaid all Egyptian temples proper, as well as all their obelisks, sphinxes, statues, tombs, and whatever other monuments they, the Egyptians, have erected at any historical epoch in connexion with their peculiar, and alas! degrading religion.”
Given that the horizon was, and still is, used as a horizontal flat baseline to make triangles between the ground, the object of interest in the sky, and the observer, we may be looking at the pyramids functioning as measuring instruments for the cosmos in their original form, available to all in the region, in addition to being alleged observatories for the priesthood. Smyth asked the question that I suspect the answer to is “yes”: Was the Great Pyramid, then, erected before the invention of the hieroglyphics, and previous to the birth of the Egyptian religion?
However, his opinion differs from mine. He confidently answered No! He claimed that “the Great Pyramid was raised by the labour of the Egyptian population, but under some remarkable compulsion and constraint, which prevented them from putting their unmistakable and accustomed marks on the finished building, and identifying it in any manner direct or indirect with their impure and Pagan form of worship.”
First of all, where does he get off calling their worship impure? Secondly, none of these researchers ever bring up the subject of mummies wrapped in Etruscan script, despite citing scholars like Jacob Krall who recognized it at the height of this Egyptology. Smyth wrote (Ib. p. 5.), “According to Manetho, Herodotus, and other ancient authorities, the Egyptians hated, and yet implicitly obeyed the power that made them work on the Great Pyramid.”
It reads like Greek mythological imperialism, asking the reader to believe the impossible, so that they overlook the obvious, that the Egyptian letters and system are Greek-based and unassociated with the proper antiquity found in those regions; and the quasi copies of the Great Pyramid found along the Nile, for sepulchral purposes, are imitations, a fact admitted by Smyth, who wrote (Ib. p. 6.), “They seem always to betray more or less ignorance of its principal internal features, and are never found at any very great number of miles away from the site of the parent work. The architectural idea, indeed, though copied, yet never wholly took the fancy of the Egyptians.”
There it is. The Great Pyramid is not “Egyptian”.
By the way, I have no dog in this race. I will be as delighted if researchers confirm that the Pyramids are modern creations, designed to feign antiquity to the region and make money as a tourist trap, as I will if people discover an even more ancient culture responsible for them. The circumstance that grinds my gears is the not knowing, which makes it that much harder to reference. People like me seek to get to the bottom of a matter, not make conclusions based on uncertain history. The most fruitful endeavor for me to achieve my goals was to focus on language and religious symbolism, which is inherently tied to priestcraft, navigation, astronomy, and mythology. One of the curious details about scripture, while speaking abundantly of Egypt, an astronomical term confused with a historical location, is that there is no mention of the pyramids, which is especially curious given that Eusebius admitted the epistles and gospels were the writings of the Therapeutae, who he claimed were also Christians, even though it is known they are a Jewish-Buddhist sect of monks.
An anecdotal connection I would like to make is that, though there is no mention of pyramids, defenders of the historicity of the Bible could say there are words, such as migdol, which is claimed to signify tower, among other raised structures. They use this word to interpret an implication of the pyramids in the scripture, even though there is no description of them. The Greeks called the Etruscans Tyrrhenians and Tyrsenians, the reason for this being unknown, but speculated by historians as being named after towers (tyrseis), on account of them being a people who built towers in their fortresses, usually in high locations. The Etruscans are responsible for the megalithic polygonal masonry found throughout the Mediterranean, and possibly learned from, or brought to, other parts of the world.
Though this is Italy, before the so-called Common Era, this style of masonry, although to some degrees even more precise and aesthetic, is found in Peru, yet it is not dated to be as ancient. Researchers wonder whether it was a result of cultural diffusion or merely coincidence.
The problem with the Peruvian masonry is that, while it is exceptional and unlike anything in the rest of the Americas, no one seems to know anything about the cultures that built it, and the status quo claimed the Incas built it, a claim that has been thoroughly debunked, yet the governments’ refusal to allow excavations leaves researchers to speculate rather than discover the Truth.
My work demonstrates the Etruscan nature of Roman history, and that the Romans were quasi-Etruscan. The Irish use pre-Roman words and their language is a derivative of Sicilian Phoenician (Punic). This unknown bust, claimed to be Roman, might as well be Sinéad O’Connor. It is beyond obvious that Celtic and Roman are from the same source, which I claim is Etruscan (or some older parent that Etruscan is from, which there is no vestige of thus far).
I included the citation of Dionysius of Halicarnassus in The Real Universal Empire, “As regards these Tyrrhenians, some declare them to be natives of Italy, but others call them foreigners. Those who make them a native race say that their name was given them from the forts, which they were the first of the inhabitants of this country to build; for covered buildings enclosed by walls are called by the Tyrrhenians as well as by the Greeks tyrseis or towers.”
So if the Tyrrhenians were the advanced maritime empire throughout the ancient world, also called Pelasgians, then might their renown for temple building and masonry put them as candidates for the Great Pyramid, assuming it is authentic, given that their late-stage writings were found rapping mummies all the way down in Luxor?
Having the fortune of being descended from a known Etruscan (Tyrrhenian) family, I have the luxury of showing that their genetics correspond to Celtic, not Asiatic or African, which puts to rest almost all of the speculation on where the Etrusco-Phoenicians came from. Learn how to read Etruscan, and Phoenician, and then you’ll see why I call them Etrusco-Phoenicians. Until then, you’ll never appreciate the extent of the work I’ve done here and the historical implications, given that Etrusco-Phoenicians, and cultures whose languages descend from them, have Celtic or Central European phenotypes.
Two millennia apart and the Don (Phoenician word for Lord) of my family looks more like Gaius Julius Caesar than I look like my own father. None of this would matter if the Etrusco-Phoenicians were put in their proper place and if history was not inverted. But this is not the case, which is why I’m willing to make private details about my family public, and so when people are trying to figure out why the Irish language is Sicilian Phoenician (Punic), yet they look Celtic, it’s because the ancient Italians, whose languages are alien to the rest of the world and have no affinity to Indo-European, were Celtic; and the derivatives of their languages, such as Phoenician, are a result of their system coming from Europe and expanding eastward with their trade, not the other way around. If you’re an Egyptologist talking about the Great Pyramid and its complete lack of Egyptian qualities, yet you’re not mentioning late-stage Etrusco-Phoenician remains all the way down in Luxor, and at least incorporating them into the conversation, people like me have to call into question whether you’re ignorant, pushing an agenda (which makes you a fraud), or if the artifacts are forgeries.
For those interested in the ancient universal system of priestcraft, as well as the historical implications, invest in the Spirit Whirled series and The Real Universal Empire.







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