Fresh Batch #162: The Eye of Deity, the Sun
Exposing the Ultracrepidarian Cult of Devils
Leopold von Ranke wrote (Universal History, pp. xii, xiii.), “Universal History would degenerate into mere theory and speculation if it were to desert the firm ground of national history, but just as little can it afford to cling to this ground alone. The history of each separate nation throws light on the history of humanity at large; but there is a general historical life, which moves progressively from one nation or group of nations to another. In the conflict between the different national groups Universal History comes into being, while, at the same time, the sense of nationality is aroused, for nations do not draw their impulses to growth from themselves alone. Nationalities so powerful and distinct as the English or the Italian are not so much the offspring of the soil and the race as of the great events through which they have passed.
“We have therefore to investigate and understand not only the universal life of mankind, but the peculiarities of at any rate the more prominent nations. In this attempt the laws of historical criticism, which hold good in every detailed enquiry, may on no account be neglected, for it is only the results of critical investigation which can be dignified with the title of history at all. Our glance must indeed be always fixed on the universal, but from false premisses only false conclusions can be drawn. Critical enquiry and intelligent generalization are mutually indispensable.”
If the history and chronological record we’re taught is based on the false premisses of Mosaic history, then the history and chronological record we’re taught at an institutional level is certainly false.
Ranke wrote (Ib. p. 2.), “The Egyptian religion has its origin in an epoch which we lack the means of investigating.
“Egypt forms the conclusion of an introductory chapter of human history, a period of inconceivable duration, whose most precious legacy consists of the more ancient Egyptian monuments. In this epoch the religion of the country had its beginning, a religion to which, with all its defects, we must assign a world-wide significance.”
Those of you who are paid members have witnessed me demonstrate the greatest forms of cultural diffusion between Egypt, Mexico, Ireland, and Italy, which, if authentically dated, predate the Common Era by millennia. There seems to be an obsession of ascribing human origins to places like Africa and Asia while ignoring the ancient cultures of Italy and subsequently Europe, a part of the world that has always demonstrated their superior skills in civilization, architecture, metallurgy, engineering, sanitation, warfare, agriculture, animal husbandry, navigation, medicine, and much more. We use the word plumbing today, which comes from the Latin plumbum, which is a pipe of lead used to deliver water in the ancient plumbing of Rome. It’s why lead in the periodic table is still Pb. In fact, all one has to do is read books written in the 19th century to see how far behind places like Asia were regarding cleanliness, civilization, and the inability to navigate. One needn’t search long in India to find towns of 30,000 or more people living without plumbing at the present day, or in parts of Greece where the plumbing can’t sustain the flushing of toilet paper. Yet, without fail, despite European conquest and defense against the invasion of Asiatic empires, there is an obsession to claim Europeans are a product of the Orient. But I’ve demonstrated, beyond shadow of any doubt, that this is not the case. Simply put, the ancient Italians are not Greeks and had nothing to do with Greeks. The affinity found between the cultures is a result of Italian expansion, not Greek expansion as imagined by the status quo. The systems of Italian priestcraft, from the alphabets to the mythology, are found everywhere that civilization touched, yet in places that only a culture of advanced maritime capabilities could’ve reached. This system is the sacred script, if you will, propagated by the Holy Sailors.
Ranke wrote (Ib. p. 3.), “To the principal of them, however, Ra, Ptah, Amon, the same designations are assigned. They form but one divinity under different names.”
Again on page 4, “The deity is further identified with the Nile, the chief support and basis of life, no less than with the sun itself, and is manifested in the animal world even more immediately than in man. The bull Apis is the living type of the god Osiris, who is regarded especially as the giver of all good. (Jupiter is also known as the Giver of All Good Things.)
“Man is not considered as an incarnation of deity, although the legend makes him spring from the eye of deity, the sun.”
Therefore, the all-seeing eye, also known as the Eye of Providence, represents the deity, which is the sun. From this, all things emanate, hence forming what some call the Doctrine of Emanations and the Doctrine of Wisdom. The word deity comes from Dei, a Latin word for God. The Agnus Dei, or Lamb of God, is the Lamb of the Sun, or the sun in the sign of the Ram: Aries, when the year was reckoned in spring, at the vernal equinox, or Martius (March), the first month in the calendar of Romulus. Think long and hard about the degenerate gendermancers trying to socially engineer our culture through entertainment under the guise of diversity, equity, and inclusion, known as DEI. They think they’re God and know better than Nature. Fortunately, there is no such thing as the “modern audience” they cater to, and their agenda is failing in a spectacular and humiliating fashion. Just this year, Concord was a $200 million dollar failure for Sony. Dustborn failed. Star Wars Outlaws flopped and the Star Wars series Acolyte was cancelled, which cost Disney and Ubisoft big time. Assassins Creed: Shadows is about to be the second massive failure of the year for Ubisoft because it is so historically inaccurate, while pretending to be accurate, that the Japanese are petitioning to ban the game from releasing. The future is as bright as the sun for everyone who isn’t an inverted rebis!
There are two main factors for why this knowledge is esoteric. The first is the uninformed emotional religious interpretations of this symbolism by uninitiated members of the cult of Devils (accusers), also known as Abrahamics, who accuse others of that which they are guilty of, but are too ultracrepidarian to realize it (shoutout to Jenny Garton). The second is the silence of initiated members of this cult, who allow the uninitiated information to obfuscate the true nature of the upper echelons of the priesthood while simultaneously using that smokescreen to influence people in bottom rungs to behave in a way that benefits only the initiated.
Both the uninitiated and the initiated of the same cult are to blame for this farrago that ensnares the masses of society in a state of childlike delusion that propagates victimhood, external saviors, and bearing false witness. It creates a haven for degenerates who’ve behaved in the most disgusting ways to pretend they are forgiven because an imaginary man died for their sins, not realizing the story is about the sun, as it has always been. It fosters a mindset that believes it can commit atrocities without consequences because, as long as they join a cult, they’ll be forgiven. In simple terms, these religions facilitate sinning rather than inhibiting it.
For those of you who find this work through peripheral searches, I’ve created a blueprint for you to invest in so that you can be brought up to speed in the quickest yet most efficient way. Dive into the Spirit Whirled series, and then The Real Universal Empire.

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