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Dylan Saccoccio is the author of the Spirit Whirled series and The Real Universal Empire. In addition to his latest articles and the audio-visual-text version of his latest book being published on Substack, his future guest appearances on podcasts will be published here for members-only, as well as a new podcast for members-only called Inner Whirled.

After chasing language as far back as possible, he now explores other avenues to prove cultural diffusion of the ancient universal empire of priests, navigators, masons, and merchants. Immerse yourself in the rich history of your ancestors and never run out of ideas to talk about!

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Over 140 articles were published on this Substack in 2023, which materialized into his latest book.

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The best continual research in the world regarding Cultural Diffusion, Ancient History, Language Mastery, and Astrotheology.


Ancient History • Astrotheology • Language Mastery