So happy to have found you here. Just love your discussions with Crow777... am part way through the latest and subscribing here so I hear more from you and stay in touch!
Look forward to having you. Right now there isn’t a whole lot of people so it’s perfect for the chat and to interact via text, but if more people start joining, I’ll create private rooms on clubhouse for us or livestream on YouTube to answer questions from our paid members threads. That might be the move to grow my audience
You're doing incredible work Dylan, my Furlan cjapiel goes off to you. Found you through Crrrow and you led me to The Innerverse with Chance which I'm friggin loving as well. It has taken me my entire life of plodding autodidactic study to finally see "the matrix" behind languages but I am 100% on board with exactly where your Holy Ship is sailing Brother.
Thank you, Lewy! Look forward to chopping it up with you if you can make my biweekly chats. Next one is on the 19th, and I'll have a post ready by then as well titled "Pole Star Inversion."
Also thank you for lighting a fire under my ass. Bought a kettlebell on my way home from work yesterday after listening to you and am going to start writing.
So happy to have found you here. Just love your discussions with Crow777... am part way through the latest and subscribing here so I hear more from you and stay in touch!
Look forward to having you. Right now there isn’t a whole lot of people so it’s perfect for the chat and to interact via text, but if more people start joining, I’ll create private rooms on clubhouse for us or livestream on YouTube to answer questions from our paid members threads. That might be the move to grow my audience
You're doing incredible work Dylan, my Furlan cjapiel goes off to you. Found you through Crrrow and you led me to The Innerverse with Chance which I'm friggin loving as well. It has taken me my entire life of plodding autodidactic study to finally see "the matrix" behind languages but I am 100% on board with exactly where your Holy Ship is sailing Brother.
Thank you, Lewy! Look forward to chopping it up with you if you can make my biweekly chats. Next one is on the 19th, and I'll have a post ready by then as well titled "Pole Star Inversion."
Saluti I look forward to it!
Also thank you for lighting a fire under my ass. Bought a kettlebell on my way home from work yesterday after listening to you and am going to start writing.